Gourmet Foods & BeveragesGift & Specialty Products
(Nov 31-Mar 31) Monday-Friday 10:00am-5:00pm, Saturday and Sunday 12:00pm-9:00pm
Driving Directions:
From Lincoln, go to 14th and Superior. Go straight north on 14th street until you get to Raymond Road. Take a left (west) on Raymond Road for 2.5 miles. James Arthur Vineyards is located on the left.
About Us
Established in 1996, James Arthur Vineyards is nestled amidst 400 acres of rolling hills and natural prairie grasslands minutes north of Lincoln, near Raymond, NE. The surrounding beauty creates a picturesque setting for our winery, which houses and immaculate tasting room, a gift shop, a stunning party room, and all the production facilities. Since opening its front doors, JAV has hosted thousands of visitors from all over the world.
Everyone is encouraged to sample from a wide variety of wines, stroll the grounds or sit under the covered deck by the waterfall or enjoy an intimate setting by a warm crackling fire in the tasting during those cold winter days, all while sipping some of Nebraska's finest.
Our family's 3rd generation has now become involved in the winery, making JAV a true family endeavor. Built on passion, dedication, and old-fashioned hard work, JAV has built a business Nebraskans can be proud of. After all, this is our home, love, and livelihood. From our family to yours!
Video Media

Purchasing a bottle of James Arthur Vineyards Wine.

Wine gift baskets


Stained glass window at the winery.

Owner/winemaker Jim Ballard in the barrel room.

New grape crop goes into the crusher.

Grapes almost ready to harvest.

Harvest scene among the grapevines.

A crackling fire at the winery.

Beautiful wine from James Arthur Vineyards

St. Croix meeting room.

Overlooking winery at James Arthur Vineyards.