Gourmet Foods & Beverages
9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday, Closed on Holidays
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About Us
We, the Nutt Family, have been creating delicious homemade jams & jellies for over 10 years. Using our own homegrown produce and wild berries, our jams and jellies are not only fresh, but are made the old-fashioned way, bringing the best quality product to you!
Growing up, my mom and I would make Plum and Chokecherry Jelly cause lets face it, jelly is a must for your morning breakfast topping, and I’m a girl that loves her jelly on everything! So as I got older, that love for jelly making stayed and I had started making it in our own home and giving it out as Christmas presents and to friends and family. Then we went a step further and decided that I could share my love of jams and jellies while helping support our growing family and sell it at craft shows. From there it has expanded into stores throughout the years and more craft and vendor shows. Each year we add a new flavor or two to expand our options and we are excited to see what the future may hold for Nutt Family Jams & Jellies.
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Candy Apple Jelly

Apples go into our Candy Apple Jelly, Caramel Apple Jelly and Apple Jelly

Some good ole cinnamon candy for our Candy Apple Jelly

Caramel Apple Jam

Elderberry Jelly

Elderberries for some Elderberry Jelly

Chokecherry Jelly

Beautiful Chokecherries for some Chokecherry Jelly

Peach Jam

Peaches go into our Peach Jam, Peach Jelly and our Peach Habanero Jelly

Strawberry Rhubarb Jam

Strawberries for out Strawberry Rhubarb Jam and our Strawberry Jalapeño Jam

Rhubarb goes into our Strawberry Rhubarb Jam

Plum Jelly

Wild Plums for our Plum Jelly

Razapeno Jam (Raspberry Jalapeño Jam)

Raspberries go into our Razapeno Jam and Hot Razapeno Jam

Jalapeños go into our Razapeno Jam, Hot Razapeno Jam, Jalapeño Jelly and Hot Jalapeño Jelly

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