About Us
Science Lab Studios, Inc. is a technical visual design studio. We specialize in illustration, logo and graphic design, animation, and photography. Our studio focuses on creative problem-solving. Our clients include companies, institutions, small businesses, and individuals in the scientific and technical industries and beyond. Unlike most studios, we have a solid background and knowledge of science - having over 25 years of experience in scientific research and education.

Logo designed for the Nebraska Academy of Sciences

Illustration of a virus life cycle

Sandhill Cranes illustration

Gallery Image PCR_expt.png

Gallery Image NIAAA.png

Gallery Image STARRS.png

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Rick Simonson
Hi! I’m Rick Simonson. I’m a scientific illustrator, graphic designer, and visual problem-solver. I have over two decades of experience as a professional scientific illustrator. My combination of artistic skill and scientific knowledge makes me uniquely qualified to visually communicate science. I developed my scientific knowledge through over twenty years in academia, where I conducted research in cell biology, protein biochemistry, molecular biology, ecology, and biological control. This experience has provided me with a practical understanding of common laboratory and field techniques as well as methods of statistical analysis. I can work efficiently alone or as part of a team. I manage teams of individuals effectively to complete large projects.